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This writing analyzes the "conflict" in the central characters of Shakespeare's play Hamlet and Nezami's Layla and Majnun. The goal is to identify the common psychological aspects of the characters in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Nezami's Layla and Majnun and to answer whether there are psychological conflicts in the central characters of Hamlet and Layla and Majnun. Moreover, do the central characters of Hamlet, Layla, and Majnun experience the same conflicts? This research is based on a descriptive-analytical method and has been described and analyzed using library-based data. After investigation, it became clear that the common psychological aspects of the main characters in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Nezami's Layla and Majnun include physical, mental, emotional, and moral struggles. Despite being shaped in two different and distant geographies and at different times, these conflicts are the same. Psychologically, they reflect similar concerns and showcase the psychological and mental similarities among several characters in both works, which are listed in the final section of this article.


Shakespeare Conflict (physical, mental, emotional, and moral) Layla and Majnun Nezami Ganjavi Hamlet

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How to Cite
Danishyar, R. (2024). Psychological Analysis of Conflict in a Comparative Study of the Characters of Hamlet by Shakespeare and Layla and Majnun by Nezami. Journal of Social Sciences - Kabul University, 7(3), 51–72.


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