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Acceptance refers to words, actions, or other conduct that express agreement to an offer and indicate the consent of the acceptor. This research aims to comparatively examine the termination of acceptance under national and international laws, with the goal of minimizing commercial conflicts arising from the enforcement or invalidation of acceptance. The significance of this study lies in its potential to reduce commercial disputes by addressing issues related to the validity and execution of acceptance. This is a library-based review article employing comparative and descriptive methods. The findings reveal that while national and international laws share similarities in the provisions governing the termination of acceptance, there are notable differences. In some instances, national laws provide better provisions than international laws, particularly in cases where the acceptor has the right to withdraw their acceptance. Conversely, international legal frameworks excel in areas such as clarifying essential and non-essential terms of contracts. In Afghanistan’s binding laws, key contractual issues, such as price and goods, often lack clarity, creating legal ambiguities. However, Afghan laws outperform international laws in certain scenarios, such as provisions allowing the acceptor to revoke their acceptance.


Acceptance Business Contract Law Offer Legal document

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How to Cite
Ekram, M. A. (2024). The Termination of Acceptance in Business Contracts: A Comparative Study of National and International Laws. Journal of Social Sciences - Kabul University, 7(3), 205–225.


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