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Culture and cultural diversity are the most important themes of Herder's intellectual work and the central concerns of this thinker's philosophy. Herder ascribes a broad meaning to culture and considers it "the distinguished product and creation of a people or nation throughout history to meet their needs." At times, he compares culture to the lifeblood flowing through a person's being; elsewhere, he refers to culture as a secondary creation or humankind's spiritual and intellectual creation. In Herder's view, culture and concepts such as humanity and perfection imply desirable and noble attributes. According to Herder, culture rather than politics largely shapes a nation's destiny and identity. It is through cultural innovations that humans shape their existence and destiny. Considering the conditions of the contemporary world and the importance of exploring questions related to the nature of culture, the interrelationships between cultures, and the future of culture, this article aims to discuss Herder's thoughts on culture and cultural diversity.


Culture Philosophy of Culture Cultural Diversity Philosophy of History

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How to Cite
Fetrat, B. (2024). Culture and Culture Diversity in Herder Philosophy. Journal of Social Sciences - Kabul University, 7(1), 81–99.