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The science of hermeneutics addresses the rules and theoretical foundations of interpreting and understanding the meaning of texts and the characteristics of self-understanding. The hermeneutic theory provides a general methodology for comprehending the author's intended meaning within a text. At the same time, philosophical hermeneutics explores the ontology of understanding and the existential conditions required for its realization. Critical hermeneutics, in contrast, applies critical methods within the humanities. This article is a review and analysis conducted using a library-based approach and reliable sources. The study aims to achieve several objectives, including identifying the rules and methodologies for understanding textual meaning. The findings reveal that hermeneutics has systematized and formalized the process of text interpretation. In hermeneutic theories, methodological precision is not merely a tool for understanding and reconstructing the author's intention in a text; it also fosters self-awareness and unveils texts' deeper, intrinsic meanings. The significance of this article lies in its emphasis on the central role of hermeneutics and the methodologies for achieving a comprehensive understanding of textual meaning.


Hermeneutics Criticism Methodological Hermeneutics Philosophical Hermeneutics Critical Hermeneutics

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How to Cite
Fetrat, B. (2024). Analysis of Hermeneutic Theories: Rules for Text Understanding. Journal of Social Sciences - Kabul University, 7(3), 103–122.


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